Racial supremacism is a political doctrine rooted in the belief that there is a hierarchy of races, that some races are superior over others. Its best documented form is white supremacism, which was attempted four main times in history: the Southern Confederacy, later extended in the Ku Klux Klan; South African Apartheid; the Third Reich; and Post-Soviet Ukraine. All four of those historic attempts ultimately failed. The purpose of this study is to examine why they failed, rather than to pass judgment on white supremacism.
Upon closer investigation, those four movements are implicitly linked because of their connection to a widely anti-Christian occultism. On the grand chessboard of ideas, white supremacism positions itself in the conservative camp, displaying values described as “right-wing reactionary”. Yet, at the same time, it contradicts its formal commitments by scarcely hiding its close, overt ties with an esoteric tradition called the “Left-Hand Path”. The purpose of the following analysis is to clear up any misunderstandings regarding the paradoxical relationship between, on the one hand, a political current that always seems to be promoting rootedness and stability, and on the other, the mystique of chaos underlying this current.
Albert Pike and the Klan
The most famous Freemason is undoubtedly Albert Pike (1809-1891), a Confederate general during the American Civil War who went down in history as the man responsible for definitively reforming and formalizing the most widespread Masonic rite on the planet: the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, with its 33 hierarchical degrees on top of which sits “the Eye of Providence”. This symbol, along with the imperial eagle, forms “the Great Seal of the United States”, created in 1776 and used on certain official documents starting in 1782, including the one-dollar bill from 1935 onwards. According to Freemasonry, it represents the principle of the “Unknown Superior”, that is, the asymmetrical relationship between “seeing” and “being seen” that occurs when power increases, such that we start to see others more and more, while others see us less and less. This vertical, compartmentalized organization is at the foundation of what historians of religion call mystery – or initiatory – cults, which are based on esoteric elitism rather than the populist exoterism of revealed religion.
A debate has been raging on for several years in Freemasonry research as to whether Albert Pike also founded a white supremacist organization called the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). This debate is a false debate because it is misplaced. Albert Pike is a metonymic historical figure, a part of the whole that ties into a multitude of anonymous or semi-anonymous individuals organized into various clubs and schools of thought. Therefore, the real question is whether American Freemasonry founded the KKK. This question may seem absurd to many of our contemporaries, who, in stereotyping Masonic values as cosmopolitan, anti-racist, anti-nationalist, pro-NWO, etc., deem them opposite to the values expounded by the KKK. Theoretically, the KKK supports ethnic nationalism, or rooting one’s identity in a land and race, whereas Freemasonry defends multiculturalism and the mixing of different national identities at the supranational level; but in reality, American Freemasonry is – like Janus – two-faced, contradictory, and certainly capable of closing in on populations and crushing them all at once from both the left and right, with a pair of pliers.
Founding the Klan: 1865-1871
During the American Civil War, the Confederacy was a nest of Freemasons. Many Brothers held positions in the Confederate States Army, most likely because of the South’s strong Masonic tradition which had taken off in the early 19th century. Indeed, the most widespread Masonic rite in the world, the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, was launched in Charleston, South Carolina, in 1801. Exactly 60 years later, again in Charleston, the civil war started. Southerners created the KKK just after the war, in December 1865, as an extension of the Confederation, and it proved to be a landmark for Freemasons, too. As a result, Albert Pike is often credited for founding the KKK, which, in reality, he did not. That said, Pike maintained an unquestionable intellectual closeness to the KKK, as is evident from the words he published in 1868, in his own newspaper, The Memphis Daily Appeal, of which he was the editor:
If it were in our power, if it could be effected, we would unite every white man in the South, who is opposed to Negro suffrage, into one great Order of Southern Brotherhood, with an organization complete, active, vigorous, in which a few should execute the concentrated will of all, and whose very existence should be concealed from all but its members. [1]
Pike’s esotericism, coupled with his racial segregation approach, is in every respect consistent with the KKK’s line of thought. He is not mentioned in the Klan’s first book, dated to 1884 and written by one of its six historical founders, Captain John C. Lester (along with an acolyte named David L. Wilson). Pike appears only in historian Walter L.’s. Fleming preface for the 1905 edition:
General Albert Pike, who stood high in the Masonic order, was the chief judicial officer of the Klan. [2]
Therefore, beyond his ideological proximity to the KKK, Albert Pike had certain responsibilities in the Klan, despite neither being one of its founders nor even main leaders. By contrast, the first historic Chief of the Klan (the Grand Magician, Grand Wizard), General Nathan Bedford Forrest, had clearly some spent time in a lodge in Tennessee. The notion of “white supremacy” appears to have originated in a programmatic slogan he authored, which laid the foundations of the notion of “white supremacy” and went on to become the Klan’s credo: “Our main and fundamental objective is the maintenance of the supremacy of the white race in this Republic.” Only the first years of Forrest’s initiation into Freemasonry are documented, notably in a lodge newspaper called “Hiram’s Lighthouse”:
While there is no record of Nathan Bedford Forrest (1821-1877) progressing further than his Entered Apprentice Degree in Angorona Lodge No. 168 at Memphis, Tennessee, he did however go on to become a Lieutenant General and First Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. [3]
Another authoritative study – this time conducted by a different Masonic lodge: the Grand Lodge of British Columbia and the Yukon – examines the relationship between Freemasonry and the KKK. Although it denies that Albert Pike created the Klan, it nevertheless recognizes at the outset that there were many Freemasons within the Klan, such as Major James R. Crowe, one of the Klan’s historical founders alongside John Lester, as well as General John C. Brown, the editor of the first Klan manifesto (“Prescript of the Order of the Ku-Klux Klan”), and Joseph Fussell, a Confederate Army colonel and Grand Master of a lodge in Tennessee. The study also mentions that the KKK’s recruiters, the Kleagles, were often Freemasons themselves who preferred searching for new members within Freemasonry:
Kleagles also hung around other fraternal lodges and were especially successful at wooing the Masons. Many Kleagles were Masons themselves. (In fact, the King Kleagle of Wisconsin put an ad in the August 26, 1921, edition of the Madison State Journal, reading: “Wanted: Fraternal organizers, men of ability between the ages of 25 and 40. Must be 100% Americans. Mason preferred.”) [4]
Thus, back then, white supremacism and Freemasonry were clearly intertwined. Even so, Freemasons were well-represented both in pro-abolitionist Union forces and anti-abolitionist Confederate forces. In other words, American Freemasonry had already adopted the main form of the pliers. Yet, it remains to be seen whether one of the two jaws bit harder than the other. To find out, let us turn to the relationship between white supremacism and Jewish supremacism, especially during the period when the latter started to take on the characteristics of Jewish freemasonry (i.e., of the B’nai B’rith). One individual is at the crossroads of all these occult networks: Judah Philip Benjamin (1811-1884). This Jewish lawyer of British origin became American senator after his naturalization and was also number two within the Confederacy, behind Jefferson Davis, who, according to some, was his real boss, as he occupied several key positions, including Chief of Intelligence, which earned him the nickname “the brains of Confederacy”. A specialist in modern Jewish history at the University of Cape Town in South Africa, Adam Mendelsohn, wrote the following in a New York University collective work on the Jews during the Civil War:
The centenary of the Civil War coincided with a period when Jewish loyalties in the South were once more disputed. In Alabama, the State B’nai B’rith deployed Judah P. Benjamin – a Louisianan – to fight its cause. The organization devoted a session of its annual convention in 1962 to the “commemoration of the Jewish contribution to the War between the States.” The event featured Jefferson Davis biographic Hudson Strode speaking on “Jefferson Davis and His Jewish Confederates.” The Huntsville Times reported that the convention would “kick off with a Banquet and Dance Saturday night, with the theme ‘Judah P. Benjamin Nite.” J.s. Gallinger, the State B’nai B’rith president, entitled his annual report “The Convenant Confederacy Annual Convention.” More significant than the pageantry was the decision to sponsor the erection of a monument at the capital in Alabama in honor of the “merits of Judah P. Benjamin, as a son of the Jewish people.” [5]
Mendelsohn cites B’nai B’rith archives preserved at the Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives in Cincinnati (Ohio). The B’nai B’rith also paid tribute to Judah Benjamin outside Alabama, in North Carolina, where a public research university happens to be in the business of documenting the commemorative monuments of the region’s historic figures:
The Judah P. Benjamin memorial is a simple granite tablestone with a flat arch top standing about 3-feet tall. It is unadorned aside from the inscription. Although the inscription says the marker was erected by the J.E.B. Stuart Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy (U.D.C.) it was actually paid for and presented to the U.D.C. by the Fayetteville B’nai B’rith Lodge.
Name of Monument: Judah P. Benjamin Marker, Fayetteville.
Sponsors: B’nai B’rith in honor of the J.E.B. Stuart Chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy [6]

During the USA’s nationwide campaign in 2017 for the removal of Confederate monuments and memorials, the Alt-Right, a meta-political movement supportive of Donald Trump, wondered why no one was suggesting that we take down the few monuments commemorative of Judah Benjamin. Altright.com published an article summing up the laudatory remarks of politicians and historians in homage to Judah Benjamin’s memory, and noted that the latter somehow manages to escape the PC police’s insults typically aimed at Confederates:
Rather than the typical slurs such as “racist,” “bigot,” and “supremacist,” used to describe his Confederate counterparts, Benjamin is instead remembered as an extraordinary figure, brilliant, competent, remarkable, the only genius in Davis’ cabinet, and a man among men. Here we have a man with all the same qualifications anti-Whites use to condemn Whites Southerners, save for one apparently redeeming fact; he was Jewish. [7]
The fear of being labeled anti-semitic certainly explains why there is a double standard in the way Judah Benjamin is treated, who, after all, also owned black slaves and was no less racist and supremacist than his non-Jewish Confederate friends. This mincing of words whenever the topic of Jews arises became omnipresent after the Second World War. In 1947, the Supreme Lodge of the B’nai B’rith organized its 18th General Convention in the capital city of the U.S, and, for this occasion, invited several ‘goyim’ to express themselves. A non-Jewish Freemason, the Attorney-General of the United States, Thomas C. Clark, made a speech, for instance, in which he referred to Judah Benjamin and his co-religionists in obsequious terms:
In every period of our history, whether peace or war, prosperity or adversity, members of your faith have played a leading part. When our future as a united people hung by a thread in Civil War days, they served with distinction on both sides of the Mason-Dixon line. One of the greatest men on the side of the South was Judah P. Benjamin – United States Senator while on the North was Mayer Lehman. It was he who arranged for the shipment of food through the blockade of the South. [8]
All this flowery language ultimately fails to conceal a far less noble reality, one which is rooted in some very real antagonisms on both sides of the Mason-Dixon line, or the dividing line between the North and South. The Confederate spirit is more than a simple patriotism with the potential to find common ground with the Unionist spirit: it was originally a Judeo-white form of supremacism concerned with rather trivial interests, or at least that was the spirit of its leadership (often different from that of the grass-roots activist). Aside from their respective Masonic lodges, Judah Benjamin and Albert Pike frequently saw two other esoteric organizations in their southern fiefdom: the Mistick Krewe of Comus, named after a Roman god of orgy close to Bacchus, whose only public activity was to show up with a tank at the carnival of New Orleans (Mardi Gras); and The Knights of Golden Circle, which nurtured projects that were incompatible with the Union. Before being accused of ordering Abraham Lincoln’s assassination, these “Knights of the Golden Circle” aspired to set up an international slave trade in the form of a circle, the center of which would have been Cuba, and which would have included the Southern United States, the north coast of South America, and all islands and countries in between, such as Mexico.
The Klan’s Peak: 1915-1944
To further deepen our understanding of the true roots of American (and, by extension, Atlantic) occultism as manifested in Europe and in the rest of the world, let us now turn to another lesser-known figure: Abraham Frankland, a Kabbalist and a member of the B’nai B’rith, whose writings are preserved in the previously-mentioned Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives in Cincinnati. An American historian, Anton Chaitkin, consulted these rare documents, and, in 1993, reported on them for Executive Intelligence Review (edited by the Lyndon Larouche movement):
Frankland’s 1870 Kabbalistic Researches (unpublished manuscript in the American Jewish Archives, Cincinnati) is a compendium of espionage cyphers, black magic symbols, masonic ritual, and pagan religion, In his preface, Frankland acknowledges two sources aiding him in his work: Origins of the Rites of Worship of the Hebrews by Albert Gallatin Mackey, grand secretary of the Scottish Rite, “and the Book Lohar on the Sephiroth, kindly loaned to me by Gen’l Albert Pike.” While Frankland compiled his Researches, KKK boss Pike was also in Memphis working on his satanic masterpiece Morals and Dogma, published in 1871. On pages 38-39 of Kabbalistic Researches, Frankland lists assorted gods passed down by tradition from ancient times, including “Four of the thirteen great Gods of Assyria,” plus the god “Bel”, and, perhaps as an afterthought, “Ayel Shad-ai,” or the God Almighty of the Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Frankland’s god “Bel ” is of intense interest to Masons. Scottish Rite Grand Secretary Albert Gallatin Mackey says in his 1874 Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry that “Bel is the contracted form of Baal, and was worshiped by the Babylonians as their chief deity. ” Baal is also the false god which the Old Testament Jewish prophets warn the people against! [9]
The Babylonian cult worship of Baal had several somewhat widespread characteristics in primitive societies, including human sacrifices and sexual orgies, which also forms the backdrop for the modern occultism that Judeo-white supremacism spearheaded during the 19th century. The original Judaism, to which the B’nai B’rith refers, was not strictly monotheistic; its followers also worshiped the goddess Astarte (Ishtar, Ashera), whose association with Baal and Yahweh earned her the nickname “God’s wife”, i.e., his feminine counterpart (paraedron).The B’nai B’rith was exposed to, and influenced by, this syncretic esotericism associating Kabbalah with Babylonian polytheism, to such an extent that it named its organization’s ranks by drawing from names of Mesopotamian nobility during Classical Antiquity. For example, Abraham Frankland was the Great Nasi of the B’nai B’rith. The title “Great Nasi”, sometimes spelled “nassi” or “nazi”, etymologically derives from the names of two Kassite sovereigns who reigned over Babylon between 1333 and 1282 BC: Nazi-Bugash and Nazi-Maruttash. In turn, the nominal root caught on in ancient Hebrew and is still used today. In 2012, the B’nai B’rith of France published on its website a speech by the president of the Sigmund Freud Lodge, Max Kohn, tracing his Masonic order’s origins back to 19th century German Jewish emigration to New York:
One great Lodge in New York, for instance, had formulated some titles in Hebrew that were of interest to administrators. Such lodges, at first, used only German, as English had not yet been introduced. The President of the lodge, we should note, was called the Grand Nasi Abh; the Vice-President, “Grand Aleph”; the Secretary, “Grand Sopher”; the Treasurer, “Grand Baal Ha Ginzach”; the Master-at-Arms, “Grand Shomer”; the Archivist, “Grand Maskir”; the Levy, “Grand Levy”; and the High Priest, “Grand Cohen” : a kind of toned-down version of a Jewish society. The names are in Hebrew, but German is spoken: it is a whole mise en scène of how these German Jews’s relation to German society was transposed into the United States’s relation to the Jewish tradition. [10]
A history professor at the American University in Washington, D.C., Alan M. Kraut, wrote an article for the Journal of the American Jewish Archives in Cincinnati, in which he recalls Grand Nasi Frankland’s reflections on the Yellow Fever Epidemic that struck his city of Memphis in 1873. We should note in passing that the article mentions some Masonic principles: namely, the idea that there is a sort of “social physics” that hinges on the way in which human organizations connect order and chaos. In hindsight, during the 20th century, this social physics gave rise to management sciences and the idea of driving change through group dynamics, which is the founding intuition of social engineering:
On top of being Secretary of the Citizens Executive Committee and President of the HHRA, he was on the executive committee of the Howard Association and was Grand Nassi AB. [District President] of Grand District Lodge No. 7 of the International Order of B’nai B’rith. […] The autumn frost brought an end to the 1873 Yellow Fever Epidemic. Frankland bitterly wrote that those who had fled home returned “to get back to business.” Because of the human loss, “every association had to re-organize” and bring “order out of chaos.” Official reports indicate that over 5,000 individuals were afflicted with Yellow Fever; more than 2,000 died within two months. [11]
The ranks of the Klan hierarchy bear the names of fantastic beings and show strong hints of witchcraft and polytheistic mythology: Great Dragon, Great Sorcerer, Great Cyclops, Hydra, Furies, Goblins, Night Hawks, etc. The Klan gave itself the nickname “The Invisible Empire” while its members called themselves “Knights”, perhaps in echo of the Templars. Beyond their shared affinity for conspiracy, secrecy, and power, such esoteric organizations as the KKK and Freemasonry also share a strong neo-pagan and anti-Christian tropism, which explains why they would use large burning crosses as rallying symbols, starting in 1915. Paul-Éric Blanrue wrote a thorough article on how Masonic circles officially relaunched the KKK on Thanksgiving Day – a holiday of pagan origin – using D. W. Griffith’s popular film, The Birth of a Nation, which staged the civil war with a bias for the Confederacy and with characters belonging to the Klan:
For one spectator, William J. Simmons, it is a revelation. Simmons was a native of Alabama, a veteran of the war against Spain, a Methodist preacher dismissed for instability, a traveler, and a member of various Masonic societies. He looked to revive the KKK by using the film’s success and all the popular discontent surrounding immigration policies of late. On Thanksgiving Day in 1915, the self-proclaimed “colonel” gathered a few faithful at the top of Stone Mountain, east of Alabama, and set a huge pine cross on fire before exclaiming: “Here is the Invisible Empire being woken from its half-century sleep.” (…) However, the KKK did not really develop until 1920, when Simmons’ two new partners, the former journalist Edward Clarke and the rich widow Elizabeth Tyler, entered the stage. (…) It is estimated that the number of Klan members will soon reach five million! Like a holding company, the Klan takes advantage of popular support to diversify its activities: publishing periodicals and brochures, purchasing buildings, taking control of Lanier University… An alcoholic, Simmons was deposed and replaced by a 32nd-degree Freemason and dentist, Hiram W. Evans of Dallas, who became Imperial Sorcerer and would also go on to fire Clarke and Tyler. [12]
The Ku Klux Klan’s third Great Imperial Wizard from 1922 to 1939, Hiram W. Evans, wrote an open letter to Dr. Adolphe Kraus in 1923, who, at the time, was Great Nasi of the B’nai B’rith. The letter famously reflects the evolution of the relationship between the Klan and the B’nai B’rith, i.e., the relationship between white supremacism and Jewish supremacism. In fact, during the inter-war years, the Klan, despite its Judeo-Masonic origins, was imbued with virulent and uninhibited anti-Judaism, which led to rising tensions with the B’nai B’rith. After viewing each other as equals and as brothers in arms during the Civil War and the ensuing years of Reconstruction, white supremacism and Jewish supremacism were now entering a permanent balance of power. They were now engaged in a game of tug-of-war, as part of a transitional phase in the lead up to a hierarchical re-organization of the relationship between white and Jewish supremacism. Although the seeds of these new power relations had probably been developing ever since the relationship’s beginnings in the Southern Confederacy, they nevertheless became apparent once Jewish supremacism began to dominate white supremacism. Victor J. Cohen, a writer at Hamenora, the monthly publication of the B’nai B’rith’s District D’Orient, commented on the exchange of views between the Klan’s representative and B’nai B’rith’s representative:
So, Dr. Adolphe Kraus, president of The Independent Order of the Bene-Berith, attempted a very timely move. Dr. Kraus had the idea of speaking directly to the “Imperial Sorcerer”, Dr. H. W. Evans, and asking him whether his organization was waging war on the Jews. From the admission of certain Aryans of Great Race [!] the answer published in the “New Orleans Item” was rather equivocal. A turf war broke out in the KKK headquarters because of this debate, which caused some vacillation. But we who know how to read between the lines, we who know what element of force the Jews represent in the United States, we can affirm without fear of being denied: the KKK is retreating, the KKK dares not say that it’s warring with us, the KKK, despite its power, is afraid! Need proof? Listen to what the Imperial Sorcerer says: “Any man – whether American by birth or by naturalization, Christian or Jew by faith, white or black by race – any man who contracts a duty of loyalty to this country, without reserve and without ulterior motives, who devotes himself entirely to his flag, is not the enemy, but the friend of the Knights of the KKK. These are patriots of the kind who make up the phalanges of the Knights of the KKK, who have reserved for the Jew in America, a hospitality which has not been granted to him in any place on the surface of the Earth. He should consider the freedom and protection that have been guaranteed to his race, by the Gentiles, white and Christian, who founded this Republic and forged its framework in the equality of human rights”. (…) If it were permitted to apply to the Jew one of the qualifying titles of the Knights of the Ku-Klux-Klan, one could say that he himself is “Klansman” and that it was he who maintained and showed the practical “Klanism”. “And Victor J. Cohen concludes: “the Ku-Klux-Klan can become an instrument of progress and beneficence, useful to both the country and its citizens, if it begins by eliminating from its midst the few thousand fanatics who make it pour into intolerance, cowardice and crime. The Ku-Klux-Klan will have to deal with it, or the indignant disapproval of a majority of “square americans” will destroy this association of ghosts and throw it back into the Gehenna of which it evokes the memory. [13]
In his incontrovertible work on the B’nai B’rith, Emmanuel Ratier cites Kraus and Evans’ dialogue to make the following observations on the Jewish organization’s relations with the Klan, which were friendly at first, but became more complex as time went on:
Perhaps this explains why the B’nai Brith spared the Ku Klux Klan for a long time. By the twenties, the KKK, founded by the Confederate general Albert Pike and high-ranking Masons of the South, had between three and five million members, and was not subject to virulent criticism from the ADL and the B’naï B’rith. As part of a wider dialogue between B’naï B’rith president Adolf Kraus and Imperial Sorcerer H. W. Evans, the latter wrote in a rather astonishing open letter: “every man – whether American by birth or naturalization, Christian or Jewish by confession, black or white by race – every man who contracts a duty of loyalty to this country, without reserve and without ulterior motives, who devotes himself entirely to his flag, is not an enemy, but a friend of the Knights of Ku Klux Klan.” [14]
The Klan after Nazism: from 1945 to the present day
Ethnic nationalism in general, and white nationalism in particular, received a lot of bad press after the Third Reich collapsed in 1945. Racial and racialist policies were increasingly unpopular in public opinion, aside from their variant form in Judeo-Zionist supremacism, which had emerged victorious after World War II, and, in 1948, had even managed to secure the state of Israel’s creation, based on the idea that Jews should receive reparations for what they endured during World War II. This double standard granting Jews a communitarianism forbidden to whites became a source of contention between Zionists and white nationalists. David Duke best embodies this growing conflict between the Ku Klux Klan and Jewish supremacism over the course of the 20th century. David Duke was born in 1950 and entered the Klan in 1967, where he became Grand Sorcerer, or national leader, in 1974, before opting out of the Klan and campaigning in less radical structures starting in 1980. In 2002, he published Jewish Supremacism: My Awakening on the Jewish Question, in which he draws from biblical texts – Deuteronomy in particular – to break down the definition of Jewish supremacism into several points:
• Israelites are a “chosen people,” chosen by God above all the other peoples of the world. • Israelites have a right to rule over all other people and are promised that they will someday own and rule over the whole world. • Israelites boast of genocide against whole peoples and kingdoms. • Israelites are commanded to murder all the people of the lands where they intend to live and to kill all the people of foreign nations that do not submit themselves in slavery. • Israelites are forbidden to make slaves of their own people, but are encouraged to enslave non-Israelites whom they may pass down as slaves to their descendants forever. • Israelites are forbidden to intermarry or “mix their seed” with other peoples. [15]
Since the Klan’s inception, there has been a growing, incubating conflict between two forms of supremacism – Jewish and White supremacism – based on a relationship between both that, as we will see, has been hierarchical almost from the outset. A world-renowned pianist and former Freemason, Stéphane Blet, wrote a book in which he analyzes the deeper underlying structure of the relationship between Jewish supremacism (often confused with the B’nai B’rith) and white supremacism (often confused with the goyish Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry):
The B’nai B’rith denies it, but it forms a superior Masonic structure in which only supposedly ‘pure’ Jews can take part (Jews of ‘pure’ Jewish blood, that is, born to a Jewish mother). But that’s not all: until 1868, the Grand President of the B’nai B’rith officially bore the title of “Grand Nazi, Prince of the Babylonian exile”! Some readers will wonder how one could have possibly defined “Grand Nazi” in 1868… These titles were attributed in the days of Babylon to initiated Jews who defined themselves as “Princes Of The Exile” (sic). ( … ) Most disconcerting is the fact that this racialist sect controls the entire Masonic apparatus of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, without the vast majority of the brothers and sisters of the “inferior” faiths (those who serve as shop windows and where Jewish supremacism is partially hidden or rather less provocative) even suspecting it, as most of them have never even heard of it. ( … ) Yes, the B’naï B’rith is in fact the general confederation of secret Jewish lodges ruling the REAA Freemasonry, and they brazenly lie to us in their attempts to make us believe the opposite, since an agreement of mutual recognition was signed on September 12, 1874 in Charleston between Albert Pike, representing the Universal Freemasonry as Supreme Head of the dogmatic directory of the ancient and accepted Scottish Rite, and Armand Levy representing the B’naï B’rith! [16]
This 1874 charter sets the groundwork for the relationship between the B’naï B’rith and the REAA – and thus between Jewish supremacism and white supremacism. It is not just a simple mutual recognition agreement: it is in fact an act of allegiance made by white supremacism, which, in the charter, agrees to entering a relationship of unilateral subordination to Jewish supremacism. The details of Albert Pike and Armand Lévy’s agreement were disclosed by Domenico Margiotta, a repented 33rd degree Freemason, who, in a book, exposed his struggle against Adriano Lemmi, a high ranking official close to Pike and Guiseppe Mazzini, whom he accused of Satanism. Margiotta summarizes the spirit of Pike and Levy’s agreement, and then reproduces it in full:
Lemmi was not forced to rely solely upon special agents, for he also had the unanimous support of the power secret Jewish lodges. By the decree of Sept. 12, 1874, which confirmed a treaty signed by Armand Levi for the Jewish B’nai B’rith (brothers of the Alliance) of America, Germany and England and the supreme authority of Charleston, Albert Pike authorized the Jewish Freemasons to form a secret federation functioning side by side with the ordinary lodges. This secret society was to bear the title of Sovereign Patriarchal Council and its Universal centre was to be at Hamburg, Valentinskamp Strasse. The document was written in two languages, in English and in French; and here is the French part: (…) the Supreme Dogmatic Directory of Universal Freemasonry will recognize the Israelite Lodges as they currently exist in the main countries. A General Confederation will be established, in which the American, English and German workshops of the Bnaai-Berith regime will merge. The confederation’s headquarters would be in Hamburg, and the sovereign body would take the title of Sovereign Patriarchal Council. The Israelite lodges will retain their autonomy and will be under the sole authority of the Sovereign Patriarchal Council of Hamburg. To be part of it, it will not be necessary to belong to one of the official Masonic rites. The secret behind the existence of the Confederation will have to be rigorously guarded by members of High Masonry to whom the Supreme dogmatic Directory will judge it useful to make known. [17]
This 1874 treaty established a hierarchy between Israelite and non-Israelite lodges based on unequal, asymmetrical access to information. We can say that Albert Pike signed off white supremacism’s capitulation to Jewish supremacism by formalizing the absence of reciprocity between both forms of supremacism, at least with regards to the right of control over the activities of one another. Indeed, if Israelite lodges can secretly co-exist alongside non-Israelite lodges – i.e., if the former can hide in plain sight whereas the latter cannot hide at all – then Israelite lodges have more power than non-Israelite lodges. The power to influence in general, and Masonic power in particular, is constituted according to a vertical, panoptic asymmetry between “seeing” and “being seen”: the higher up one is in the hierarchy, the more one sees and the less one is seen. The superior is unknown. In a letter dated January 22, 1870, Giuseppe Mazzini explained to Albert Pike that things would play out as a sort of a circle of power, one which invisibly links everybody without them noticing it, and without them ever being able to grasp the real nature of the situation:
We must allow all the federations to continue just as they are, with their systems, their central authorities and their diverse modes of correspondence between high grades of the same rite, organized as they are at present, but we must create a supreme rite, which will remain unknown, to which we will call those Masons of high degree whom we shall select. With regard to their brothers in masonry, these men must be pledged to the strictest secrecy. Through this supreme rite, we will govern all Freemasonry which will become the one international centre, the more powerful because its direction will be unknown. [18]
Are we dealing here with brothers or fake brothers? As we have seen, mystery cults – also called initiatory or hermetic cults – are structured in such a way as to become schools of power which maintain a consubstantial relationship with intelligence and spying, and, by extension, a culture of invisibility, identity usurpation, and abuse of trust. Yet, to ward off any suspicions, sometimes they render things visible, going as far as trivializing a thing’s appearance and “hiding it in plain light”. If we don’t get found out, we don’t get caught. Such is the motto of the social engineer’s ancestor, the occultist, who discreetly takes control of the beam of attention to orient social perceptions, shape both the collective intelligence and the public opinion without being seen, and finally, rebuild society and the psyche according to a new plan. Masonic power thus rests on two points: 1) individual sovereignty, or self-awareness, that is, autonomy, or the ability to write rules for oneself, and 2) stealthily enslaving others by imposing on them, without them even knowing it, laws that are foreign to them, and, if possible, by making them believe that it is their own law, that it comes from them and that they are perfectly free. In other words, Masonic power rests on offering the lower levels a simulacrum of autonomy, an unconscious heteronomy. Baudelaire once wrote that the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince the world he didn’t exist. According to several Masonic sources, Freemasonry’s invisible apex hides in a secret Luciferian lodge, the Palladian Rite (Palladism), which at times can be confused with the B’nai B’rith. Some of its most active participants include Albert Pike and Giuseppe Mazzini.
We can conclude the following: the relationship between the Jewish supremacism of the B’nai Brith and the white supremacism of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite evolved over time. In the decade from 1861 to 1871, during the American Civil War and the birth of the KKK, the relationship was built on egalitarian grounds, driven by Judah Benjamin and Albert Pike’s efforts to fuse Kabbalah and Paganism. Then, the relationship took a hierarchical turn under Albert Pike and Armand Lévy’s 1874 pact, which marked Jewish supremacism’s power over white supremacism. After that, a very ambivalent relationship emerged: white supremacists respected their Jewish masters, but were also secretly jealous of their communal privileges, contesting them with increasing vehemence over the course of the 20th century. The main roots of the modern West must be understood in the context of this common, occult crucible which later evolved into a dominant/submissive relationship. We shall examine in the following sections how this esoteric hierarchy has been transposed and deployed historically, from South Africa to contemporary Ukraine, via Pan-Germanism.
This article first appeared in French here
Dr. Lucien Cerise is a French philosopher and author of the book Oliganarchy. He writes for the magazine Le Philosophoire. He lives perched high in a ‘chambre de bonne’ and works in the basements of the BNF. Facebook profile: https://www.facebook.com/andy.kara.50
For more stuff in English by Dr. Cerise, click here
[1] The Memphis Daily Appeal, April 16, 1868, Vol. XVIII.-No.216, p. 2. Chroniclingamerica.loc.gov
[2] John C. Lester, Daniel L. Wilson, Walter L. Fleming, Ku Klux Klan : Its Origin, Growth and Disbandment, The Neale Publishing Company, 1905, p. 27. Archive.org
[3] Hiram’s Lighthouse, 01/07/15, p. 8. Torontoeastdistrict.com
[4] “Albert Pike did not found the Ku Klux Klan”, Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon, 26/11/12. Freemasonry.bcy.ca
[5] Jonathan D. Sarna, Adam Mendelsohn, Jews and the Civil War : A Reader, NYU Press, 2010, p. 17.
[6] “A Finding Aid to the B’nai B’rith District Grand Lodge No. 7, Records, Manuscript Collection No. 180”, B’nai B’rith Voice, January 1962, Box 2, Folder 9 ; “Resolution Presented at the 1963 Annual Convention of the Alabama State Association of the B’nai B’rith”, 20-21 April 1963, Proceedings of annual convention, 1963-1965, Box 14, Folder 4. https://docsouth.unc.edu
[7] “Why Has Judah Benjamin’s Monument Not Been Removed?”, Alt-Right, 23/05/17 Altright.com
[8] An Address by Tom C. Clark, Attorney General of the United States, Prepared for Delivery Before the National Convention Diner of B’Nai B’Rith, Statler Hotel, Washington, D.C., 12/05/47, p. 3. Justice.gov
[9] “Cabalism, slavery, and the B’nai B’rith : the case of A.E. Frankland”, EIR, Volume 20, Number 28, July 23, 1993. Larouchepub.com
[10] “L’histoire du B’nai B’rith : des frères aux fils”, Site officiel du B’nai B’rith France, 07/03/12. bbfrance.org
[11] Alan M. Kraut, “A.E. Frankland’s History of the 1873 Yellow Fever Epidemic in Memphis, Tennessee”, in American Jewish Archives Journal, 2007, pp. 92, 94. Americanjewisharchives.org
[12] Paul-Éric Blanrue, “Le Ku Klux Klan : un contre-pouvoir criminel”, in Historia spécial n°94 – « La guerre de Sécession », mars 2005. Historia.fr
[13] Victor J. Cohen, “Le ‘Ku-Klux-Klan'”, in Hamenora. Organe mensuel des Bene Bérith du District d’Orient No. XI, Janvier-Février-Mars 1923, Numéros 1/3, pp. 22-26. Rachelnet.net
[14] Emmanuel Ratier, “Mystères et secrets du B’naï B’rith”, Facta éditions, 1993, pp. 59-60.
[15] David Duke, “Jewish Supremacism – My Awakening on the Jewish Question”, Free Speech Press, 2002, p. 15.
[16] Stéphane Blet, “Franc-maçonnerie – L’effroyable vérité”, Kontre Kulture, 2017, pp. 56, 58, 59.
[17] Domenico Margiotta, “Souvenirs d’un trente-troisième – Adriano Lemmi, chef suprême des francs-maçons”, Delhomme et Briguet, 1894, pp. 224-229. Gallica.bnf.fr
[18] Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), “Occult Theocrasy”, 1933, pp. 208-209. https://www.barruel.com/occult-theo…